opencascade code study

Surface Normal Averaging-卡核

Surface Normal Averaging

Surface Normal Averaging 摘要Abstract:正确设置网格面上点的法向,对几何体在光照等情况下显示得更真实,这样就可以减少顶点数量,提高渲染速度。本文通过将OpenCascade中的形...
OpenCascade MeshVS Usage-卡核

OpenCascade MeshVS Usage

OpenCascade MeshVS Usage Abstract. MeshVS means Mesh Visualization Service. It can be used to representation mesh in different style, such as colored stress patterns ...
Triangle - Delaunay Triangulator-卡核

Triangle – Delaunay Triangulator

Triangle - Delaunay Triangulator Abstract. Triangle is a 2D quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator. Triangle was created as part of the Quake project ...
Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade-卡核

Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade

Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:本文对网格数据结构作简要介绍,并结合使用OpenCascade中的数据结构,将网格数据在OpenSceneGraph中可视化。  关键字Key...
Change Line Type in OpenCascade-卡核

Change Line Type in OpenCascade

Change Line Type in OpenCascade   关键字KeyWords:OpenCascade,Line Aspect, Line Type   在OpenCascade的显示模块中,可以设置线型、消隐方式和离散精度等属性。这...
Plant Design Review Based on AnyCAD-卡核

Plant Design Review Based on AnyCAD

Plant Design Review Based on AnyCAD Abstract. AVEVA Review is used to 3D model visualization for plant or ship design, construction and operation. Taking data from a ...
Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph-卡核

Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph

Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph Abstract. In mathematics a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points, called seeds...
Visulalize Boost Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph-卡核

Visulalize Boost Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph

Visulalize Boost Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph Abstract. One of the important features of the boost polygon library is the implementation of the generic sweepline algorit...
Visualize Surface by Delaunay Triangulator-卡核

Visualize Surface by Delaunay Triangulator

Visualize Surface by Delaunay Triangulator Abstract. Delaunay Triangulation is the core algorithm for mesh generation. By Delaunay Triangulator you can make a general...
OpenCascade Chinese Text Rendering-卡核

OpenCascade Chinese Text Rendering

OpenCascade Chinese Text Rendering Abstract. OpenCascade uses advanced text rendering powered by FTGL library. The FreeType provides vector text rendering, as a resul...
OpenCASCADE Color Scale-卡核

OpenCASCADE Color Scale

OpenCASCADE Color Scale Abstract. The color scale is a specialized label object that displays a color map and an accompanying numerical scale for color mapped or cont...
OpenNURBS 3DM Viewer-卡核

OpenNURBS 3DM Viewer

OpenNURBS 3DM Viewer Abstract. The openNURBS Toolkit consists of C++ source code for a library that will read and write a openNURBS 3D model file(.3dm). More than 400...