OpenCASCADE Color Scale
OpenCASCADE Color Scale eryar@163.com Abstract. The color scale is a specialized label object that displays a color map and an accompanying numerical scale for color mapped or cont...
OpenCASCADE Performance Test
OpenCASCADE Performance Test eryar@163.com Abstract. Use the Draw Test Harness to test the performance of OpenCASCADE by Tcl scripts. From the test result, you will check whether t...
OpenCASCADE DataExchange DWG
OpenCASCADE DataExchange DWG eryar@163.com Abstract. DWG is a file format created in the 70’s for the emerging CAD applications. Currently it is the native file format of AutoCAD,...
Iterate Files by Tcltk
Iterate Files by Tcltk eryar@163.com Abstract. Tcl/Tk provide a programming system for developing and using graphical user interface(GUI) applications. Tcl stands for “tool comman...
OpenCASCADE General Transformation
OpenCASCADE General Transformation eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a general transformation class: gp_GTrsf. It can be a transformation from gp, an affinity, or you ca...
Pipedata3d – Welding Neck Flange
Pipedata3d - Welding Neck Flange eryar@163.com Abstract. Pipedata3d show piping component data in tables and 3D modeling. It can help the piping designers to looking up piping info...
Tcl internal variables
Tcl internal variables eryar@163.com 在Tcl中内置了一些变量,并赋予了一定的功能。内置变量列表如下: 变量名称 功能描述 argc 指命令行参数的个数。 argv 指包含命令行参数的列表。&n...
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. Sometimes you want to split a shape by plane or even split a shape by a B Spline surface, OpenCASCADE provide a feature ...
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析 eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a simple twist drill bit modeling example in Tcl script. The blog will give a details of some key poin...
Open CASCADE Technology testing dataset is published!
Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) testing dataset is published on the renovated developer portal.We’ve received several requests from the users interested in the opportunity to ...
OpenCASCADE DRAW Command Source
OpenCASCADE DRAW Command Source eryar@163.com OpenCASCADE Draw Harness是基于Tcl脚本命令语言的工具,可以用来演示OCCT中的造型功能。Draw Harness中提供的命令基本包含了OCCT中所有的功能...
OpenCascade Application Framework Introduction
OpenCascade Application Framework Introduction eryar@163.com 本教程介绍了Open CASCADE程序框架(Application Framework)的使用方法。OCAF(the Open CASCADE Application Framework)是一...