opencascade code study

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE-卡核

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE Abstract. In calculus, Newton’s method is used for finding the roots of a function. In optimization, Newton’s me...
Function Set in OPEN CASCADE-卡核

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE

Function Set in OPEN CASCADE Abstract. The common math algorithms library provides a C++ implementation of the most frequently used mathematical algorithms. These inc...
OpenCASCADE Expression Interpreter by Flex & Bison-卡核

OpenCASCADE Expression Interpreter by Flex & Bison

OpenCASCADE Expression Interpreter by Flex & Bison Abstract. OpenCASCADE provide data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics. Flex ...
C++ 应用程序性能优化-卡核

C++ 应用程序性能优化

C++ 应用程序性能优化 1. Introduction 对于几何造型内核OpenCASCADE,由于会涉及到大量的数值算法,如矩阵相关计算,微积分,Newton迭代法解方程,以及非线性优化的一些算...
Bounding Volume Hierarchy BVH in OpenCASCADE-卡核

Bounding Volume Hierarchy BVH in OpenCASCADE

Bounding Volume Hierarchy BVH in OpenCASCADE Abstract. Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH) organizes geometric objects in the tree based on spatial relationships. Each nod...


转载: 一  前言      预处理(或称预编译)是指在进行编译的第一遍扫描(词法扫描和语法分析)之前所作的工作。预处理指...


可变参数函数详解 转载:        可变参数函数又称参数个数可变函数(本文也简称变参函数),即函数参数数目可变。原型...


C语言字节对齐问题详解 转载:     引言      考虑下面的结构体定义: 1 typedef struct{ 2 char c1; 3 short s...


OpenCASCADE解非线性方程组   Abstract. 在科学技术领域里常常提出求解非线性方程组的问题,例如,用非线性函数拟合实验数据问题、非线性网络问题、几何上的曲线曲面求...
Boost test vs2013 fatal error C1001-卡核

Boost test vs2013 fatal error C1001

Boost test vs2013 fatal error C1001 Boost test库提供了一个用于单元测试的基于命令行界面的测试套件UTF:Unit Test Framework,具有单元测试、检测内存泄露、监控程...


OpenCASCADE编码规范-内存对齐   在OpenCASCADE 的编码规范Coding Rules中提到了一条与性能相关的规范,那就是类的内存对齐要求,特别是intel的机器。 对应的编码的要求就是...
Building OpenCASCADE on Debian-卡核

Building OpenCASCADE on Debian

Building OpenCASCADE on Debian Abstract. When you are familiar with OpenCASCADE on Windows, you should try it on Linux operating system, because of Debian is also ope...