opencascade code study

OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix-卡核

OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix

OpenCascade Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Square Matrix Abstract. OpenCascade use the Jacobi method to find the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a real symmetric...
OpenCascade B-Spline Basis Function-卡核

OpenCascade B-Spline Basis Function

OpenCascade B-Spline Basis Function Abstract. B-splines are quite a bit more flexible than Bezier curves. This flexibility comes from the fact that you have much more...
OpenCASCADE Curve Length Calculation-卡核

OpenCASCADE Curve Length Calculation

OpenCASCADE Curve Length Calculation Abstract. The natural parametric equations of a curve are parametric equations that represent the curve in terms of a coordinate-...
OpenCASCADE Gauss Integration-卡核

OpenCASCADE Gauss Integration

OpenCASCADE Gauss Integration Abstract. Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of a...
OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Parabola-卡核

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Parabola

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Parabola Abstract. Rational Bezier Curve can represent conic curves such as circle, ellipse, hyperbola, .etc. But how to convert a...
OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Hyperbola-卡核

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Hyperbola

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Hyperbola Abstract. Rational Bezier Curve can represent conic curves such as circle, ellipse, hyperbola, .etc. But how to convert ...
OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Circle-卡核

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Circle

OpenCASCADE Conic to BSpline Curves-Circle Abstract. The conic sections and circles play a fundamental role in CAD/CAM applications. Undoubtedly one of the greatest a...
OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm-卡核

OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm

OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm Abstract. A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value x such that f(x)=0, for a given functio...
OpenCASCADE Quaternion-卡核

OpenCASCADE Quaternion

OpenCASCADE Quaternion Abstract. The quaternions are members of a noncommutative division algebra first invented by William Rowan Hamilton. The idea for quaternions o...
OpenCASCADE Interpolation - Lagrange-卡核

OpenCASCADE Interpolation – Lagrange

OpenCASCADE Interpolation - Lagrange Abstract. Power basis polynomial is the most simple polynomial function. It also be called power series. OpenCASCADE provides bas...
OPEN CASCADE Gauss Least Square-卡核

OPEN CASCADE Gauss Least Square

OPEN CASCADE Gauss Least Square Abstract. The least square can be used to solve a set of n linear equations of m unknowns(n >= m). The OPEN CASCADE class math_Gaus...
OPEN CASCADE Multiple Variable Function-卡核

OPEN CASCADE Multiple Variable Function

OPEN CASCADE Multiple Variable Function Abstract. Multiple variable function with gradient and Hessian matrix is very very import in OPEN CASCADE optimization algorit...