制造商:收起 PCB设计软件专家优点:使用方便Easy-PC中设计的所有内容都易于使用。在大多数情况下,主菜单很少使用,在所有上下文中都使用快捷菜单。自己试试看!全球技术文件快速启动使用全球...
Polliwog Corporation PollEx BOM
制造商:收起 PollEx BOM相关FAQ,在阅读物理设计数据后PollEx BOM可以生成ASCII BOM文件或表驱动的MS-Excel格式的BOM文件。 Wise标记在PollEx BOM中可以轻松地以ASCII无格式BOM文件导入BOM数据...
制造商:恩智浦半导体荷兰有限公司 FreeMASTER是一个用户友好型实时调试监测器和数据可视化工具,可用于应用开发和信息管理。FreeMASTER支持对正在运行的系统上的变量进行非入侵式监测。您可以...
制造商:Aldec 中国 HES-7 provides SoC/ASIC hardware verification and software validation teams with a scalable and high quality FPGA-based ASIC prototyping solution backed with an ...
制造商:Aldec 中国DO-254/CTS is a fully customized hardware and software platform that augments target board testing to increase verification coverage by test and satisfy the verif...
制造商:Aldec 中国 HES-DVM is a fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC designs. Utilizing the latest co-emulation standards like SCE-MI or ...
制造商:Aldec 中国 CyberWorkBench enables higher design efficiency, low power and high performance of the chip by allowing designers to implement hardware at the algorithmic level....
制造商:Tim Edwards XCircuit is a UNIX/X11 (and Windows, or Windows using Cygwin and the Cygwin X-Server) program for drawing publishable-quality electrical circuit schematic diagr...
制造商:Qucs Team Qucs is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-sig...
制造商:Richard Hult oregano - an electrical engineering tool oregano is an application for schematic capture and simulation of electronic circuits. The actual simulation is perfor...
制造商:NGspice team Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. It is the ope...
制造商:David Saxton KTechlab是一个用于微控制器和电子设备的IDE。 KTechlab is an Open Source IDE for electronic and PIC microcontroller circuit design and simulation; it is a circui...