Multi-Robot Path Planning on Graphs We study the problem of optimal multi-robot path planning on graphs (MPP) over the makespan (last arrival time) criteria. We implemented A* sear...
Data2Dynamics Software Contact: Andreas Raue - andreas.raue@fdm.uni-freiburg.de (for support issues, please use the issues and forum, thanks!) Cite: Data2Dynamics: a modeling envir...
camera_calibration_API A repository containing the camera calibration API Repository Overview: camera_calibration.py:contains an API which tries to minic the MATLAB's camera c...
MatlabWebSocket A simple event-based WebSocket library for MATLAB.
MatlabWebSocket MatlabWebSocket is a simple library consisting of a websocket server and client for MATLAB built on Java-WebSocket, a java implementation of the websocket protocol....
quadrotorTrackingControl A simulation for quadrotor based on matlab
quadrotorTracking Theorical description will coming soon. Simulation previews The flying process The speeds tuning in the flying
mexjulia embedding Julia in the MATLAB process.
mexjulia: embedding Julia in the MATLAB process. Note: this project is effectively in hibernation as its author no longer has access to matlab. Prerequisites mexjulia requires MATL...
Finite-Difference seismic wave simulation This is a collection of Matlab and Python scripts to simulate seismic wave propagation in 1-D and 2-D. The wave propagation is based on th...
plot_google_map MATLAB function for plotting a Google map on the background of a figure plot_google_map.m uses the Google Maps API to plot a map in the background of the current fi...
Light-weight place recognition and loop detection using road markings In order to reproduce results presented in the paper, follow the procedure below: Download the PlaceRecognitio...
Ice halo simulation program Introduction This is a personal project for ice halo simulation. It is inspired by HaloPoint 2.0 and HaloSim 3.0. Unfortunately the author of HaloPoint ...
Chromatography Toolbox Open-source code for processing chromatography and mass spectrometry data in the MATLAB programming environment Download Select the Download ZIP button on th...
Vitruvio Description Vitruvio is a framework for rapid leg design analysis and optimization for legged robots. The purpose of the simulation framework is to guide the early stages ...