
Geometry Surface of OpenCascade BRep-卡核

Geometry Surface of OpenCascade BRep

Geometry Surface of OpenCascade BRep eryar@163.com 摘要Abstract:几何曲面是参数表示的曲面 ,在边界表示中其数据存在于BRep_TFace中,BRep_TFace中不仅包括了几何曲线,还包含用于显示的离...
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析-卡核

OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析

OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析 eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a simple twist drill bit modeling example in Tcl script. The blog will give a details of some key poin...
OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface-卡核

OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE linear extrusion surface is a generalized cylinder. Such a surface is obtained by sweeping a curve (called ...
清华笔记:计算共形几何讲义 (7)矢量场设计-卡核

清华笔记:计算共形几何讲义 (7)矢量场设计

漫长的课程至此,我们终于可以应用所学的理论工具来分析解决一些实际问题了。我们学习了曲面的代数拓扑和 微分拓扑,de Rham上同调的霍奇理论,作为应用实例,我们讨论如何构造曲面上光滑矢量场...
Building OpenCASCADE on Debian-卡核

Building OpenCASCADE on Debian

Building OpenCASCADE on Debian eryar@163.com Abstract. When you are familiar with OpenCASCADE on Windows, you should try it on Linux operating system, because of Debian is also ope...
Mesh BRep Shapes-卡核

Mesh BRep Shapes

Mesh BRep Shapes eryar@163.com     Abstract. 当对OpenCASCADE的BRep表示法的数据结构有了一定的理解后,建议可以自己实现一个显示数据生成的功能,即网格剖分功能。 Key Words. BR...
Compile OpenCASCADE7.3 with VS2008-卡核

Compile OpenCASCADE7.3 with VS2008

Compile OpenCASCADE7.3 with VS2008 eryar@163.com   概述 在OpenCASCADE的源码文件夹中有个adm文件夹,里面提供了各个平台中编译源码的项目文件。其中在Windows操作系统...
OpenSceneGraph in ActiveX by ActiveQt-卡核

OpenSceneGraph in ActiveX by ActiveQt

OpenSceneGraph in ActiveX by ActiveQt eryar@163.com Abstract. Qt’s ActiveX and COM support allows Qt for Windows developers to access and use ActiveX controls and COM objects...


解析几何求交之圆与二次曲面 eryar@163.com   Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the analytic intersection between a conic and a quadric in the package IntAna. Key Words. Analytic ge...
BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry-卡核

BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry

BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry eryar@163.com Key Words. BRep Shape, Tessellated Geometry, Mesh, STL 1. Introduction OCCT的TopoDS允许定义只包含显示数据的BRep体,如只...
Two analytical 2d line intersection in OpenCASCADE-卡核

Two analytical 2d line intersection in OpenCASCADE

Two analytical 2d line intersection in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE geometric tools provide algorithms to calculate the intersection of two 2d curves, surfaces, ...
OpenCASCADE Rational Bezier Curves-卡核

OpenCASCADE Rational Bezier Curves

OpenCASCADE Rational Bezier Curves eryar@163.com Abstract. Although polynomials offer many advantages, there exist a number of important curve and surface types which cannot be rep...