清华笔记:计算共形几何讲义 (23)离散曲面曲率流 (Discrete Surface Ricci Flow)V
OpenCASCADE Chamfer 3D Basics
OpenCASCADE Chamfer 3D Basics eryar@163.com 倒角Chamfer造型功能是几何内核一般都具有的功能,OpenCASCADE中也提供倒角Chamfer造型功能。如下图所示: 在Draw Test Harness中的源文件...
OpenCascade Matrix
OpenCascade Matrix eryar@163.com 摘要Abstract:本文对矩阵作简要介绍,并结合代码说明OpenCascade矩阵计算类的使用方法。 关键字Key Words:OpenCascade、Matrix、C++ 一、引言I...
Iterate Files by Tcltk
Iterate Files by Tcltk eryar@163.com Abstract. Tcl/Tk provide a programming system for developing and using graphical user interface(GUI) applications. Tcl stands for “tool comman...
OpenCASCADE Shape Location
OpenCASCADE Shape Location eryar@163.com Abstract. The TopLoc package of OpenCASCADE gives resources to handle 3D local coordinate systems called Locations. A Location is a co...
Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE
Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. In calculus, Newton’s method is used for finding the roots of a function. In optimization, Newton’s me...
OPEN CASCADE Curve Continuity
OPEN CASCADE Curve Continuity eryar@163.com Abstract. 设计一条复杂曲线时,出于设计和制造上的考虑,常常通过多段曲线组合而成,这就需要解决曲线段之间如何实现光滑连接的问题。评价曲线间...
OpenCASCADE直线与平面求交 在《解析几何》相关的书中都给出了直线和平面的一般方程和参数方程。其中直线的一般方程有点向式形式的。 由于过空间一点可作且只能作一条直线平行于已知直线,所以...
GLUT Trackball Demo
GLUT Trackball Demo eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 在三维场景中建立模型后,为了方便用户从各个角度观察模型,从而需要对三维视图进行控制。常见的视图交互控制方式有:Trackball控制器、飞行...
OPEN CASCADE BSpline Curve Interpolation
OPEN CASCADE BSpline Curve Interpolation eryar@163.com Abstract. Global curve interpolation to point data is a way to construct curves. The paper focus on the interpolate algorithm...
Distribution of Data Through OCAF Tree
Distribution of Data Through OCAF Tree OCAF数据的分配 eryar@163.com 一、作者注 Annotation 本文档主要用于说明OCAF(Open CASCADE Application Framework)中数据模型的选择问题。另外,以...
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析 eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a simple twist drill bit modeling example in Tcl script. The blog will give a details of some key poin...