[转]Massive Model Rendering Techniques-卡核

[转]Massive Model Rendering Techniques

Massive Model Rendering Techniques Andreas Dietrich Enrico Gobbetti Sung-Eui Yoon Abstract We present an overview of current real-time massive model visualization technology, with ...
BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry-卡核

BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry

BRep Shapes Based on Tessellated Geometry eryar@163.com Key Words. BRep Shape, Tessellated Geometry, Mesh, STL 1. Introduction OCCT的TopoDS允许定义只包含显示数据的BRep体,如只...
CesiumJS - 3D Tiles BIM-卡核

CesiumJS – 3D Tiles BIM

CesiumJS - 3D Tiles BIM eryar@163.com 1. Introduction CesiumJS is an open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps.  从其官网上可以看到这个库的愿景:提供世...
OpenCASCADE Face Normals-卡核

OpenCASCADE Face Normals

OpenCASCADE Face Normals eryar@163.com   Abstract. 要显示一个逼真的三维模型,其顶点坐标、顶点法向、纹理坐标这三个信息必不可少。本文主要介绍如何在OpenCASCADE的Draw中显示出曲面...


GLTF简介 1.glTF(GL TransmissionFormat),即图形语言交换格式,它是一种3D内容的格式标准,由Khronos Group管理(Khronos Group还管理着OpenGL系列、OpenCL等重要的行业标准); 2.glTF的设计...
Installing Node.js and Express on Ubuntu-卡核

Installing Node.js and Express on Ubuntu

Installing Node.js and Express on Ubuntu 1. 在nodejs官网上下载Linux Binaries(已经包含了npm):2. 安装Node.js下载后解压,并在解压的文件夹中启动Terminal后,输入命令:    ...


OpenCASCADE动画功能2 eryar@163.com   OpenCASCADE是一个开发平台,主要提供三维曲面和实体建模、CAD数据交换及可视化等功能。OCCT最适用于开发三维建模CAD软件、加工制造或测量(CAM)软...
OpenCASCADE Customize Highlighting-卡核

OpenCASCADE Customize Highlighting

OpenCASCADE Customize Highlighting eryar@163.com   The traditional way of highlighting selected entity owners adopted by Open CASCADE Technology assumes that each entity owner...
PBR in OCCT 3D Viewer-卡核

PBR in OCCT 3D Viewer

Forthcoming OCCT 7.5.0 release extends its real-time rendering engine with a PBR (physically-based rendering) mode. OCCT implements PBR metal-roughness material workflow described ...
OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph-卡核

OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph

OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph eryar@163.com 摘要Abstract:本文通过程序实例,将OpenCascade中的拓朴数据(边、面)离散化后在OpenSceneGraph中进行显示。有了这些离散...
Hello Netgen-卡核

Hello Netgen

Hello Netgen eryar@163.com 摘要Abstract:本文主要介绍如何对下载的Netgen源码进行编译生成Netgen程序和程序开发所需要的库nglib。 关键字Key Words:Netgen, nglib, Mesh Generator, OpenCas...
Netgen mesh library : nglib-卡核

Netgen mesh library : nglib

Netgen mesh library : nglib eryar@163.com 摘要Abstract:本文主是对Netgen的库nglib的用法进行介绍。主要参考资料是Netgen用户指南。最后给出一个具体程序实例。  关键字Key Words:Net...