Open Cascade DataExchange DXF
Open Cascade DataExchange DXF 摘要Abstract:对DXF文本格式进行详细介绍,并介绍了如何使用开源库dxflib对DXF文件进行读写操作,并将DXF文件中图形导入到OpenCascade。 ...
Open Cascade DataExchange IGES
Open Cascade DataExchange IGES 摘要Abstract:本文结合OpenCascade和Initial Graphics Exchange Specification来对IGES格式进行详细说明,理解IGES格式的结构,进而方便对OpenC...
Open Cascade Data Exchange STL
Open Cascade Data Exchange STL 摘要Abstract:介绍了三维数据交换格式STL的组成,以及Open Cascade中对STL的读写。并将Open Cascade读进来的STL的三角面片在OpenSceneGraph中显...
AVEVA Model Data Exchange Exports Structure Models
AVEVA Model Data Exchange Exports Structure Use Model Data Exchange Addin to export structure models for PDMS: Figure 1.1 Structure models in AVEVA PDMS ...
Plant Design Review Based on AnyCAD
Plant Design Review Based on AnyCAD Abstract. AVEVA Review is used to 3D model visualization for plant or ship design, construction and operation. Taking data from a ...
ModelDataExchange – Import
ModelDataExchange - Import Abstract. The ModelDataExchange import utility enables the user to import geometric models of equipment into 3D models within Design. The i...
OpenCASCADE DataExchange DWG
OpenCASCADE DataExchange DWG Abstract. DWG is a file format created in the 70’s for the emerging CAD applications. Currently it is the native file format of AutoCAD,...
OpenNURBS to OpenCASCADE Abstract. The OpenNURBS initiative provides CAD/CAM/CAE and computer graphics software developers the tools to accurately transfer 3D geometr...
PDMS RvmTranslator
PDMS RvmTranslator Abstract. AVEVA Review is used for 3D model visualisation for plant or ship design, construction and operation. The RVM file is main input of AVEVA...
OpenCASCADE Data Exchange – 3D PDF
OpenCASCADE Data Exchange - 3D PDF Abstract. Today most 3D engineering model data are save to 3D PDF files. Universal 3D(U3D) along side Product Representation Compac...
Convert BSpline Curve to Arc Spline in OpenCASCADE
Convert BSpline Curve to Arc Spline in OpenCASCADE Abstract. The paper based on OpenCASCADE algorithms to approximate the NURBS curve to arc spline. The method i...
AVEVA PDMS to 3ds Max – RvmTranslator6.0beta
AVEVA PDMS to 3ds Max - RvmTranslator6.0beta RvmTranslato6.0 translate PDMS RVM to 3ds Max by MAXScript. The MAXScipt is like the PML of PDMS. MAXScript can be used a...