The Installation and Compilation of OpenCASCADE-卡核

The Installation and Compilation of OpenCASCADE

OpenCASCADE的编译  The Installation and Compilation of OpenCASCADE   一、 安装OpenCASCADE 可以从OpenCASCADE的官网上下载其安装...
Building OpenCascade on Windows with Visual Studio-卡核

Building OpenCascade on Windows with Visual Studio

Building OpenCascade on Windows with Visual Studio   摘要Abstract:详细说明OpenCascade的编译配置过程,希望对你编译OpenCascacde有所...
Building third-party products of OpenCascade-卡核

Building third-party products of OpenCascade

Building third-party products of OpenCascade   Available distributives of third-party products OpenCascade中用到了几个第三方库,其中tcl/tk和freetype是必须...
Hello World of OpenCascade-卡核

Hello World of OpenCascade

Hello World of OpenCascade   摘要Abstract:以一个经典的Hello World程序为例开始对开源几何造型内核OpenCascade的学习。 关键字Key Words:Ope...
Qt with OpenCascade-卡核

Qt with OpenCascade

Qt with OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:详细介绍了如何在Qt中使用OpenCascade。  关键字Key Words:Qt、OpenCascade  一、引言 Introduction 1.1 Overview of Qt Qt是1991年奇趣科技开发...
OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph-卡核

OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph

OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph 摘要Abstract:本文通过程序实例,将OpenCascade中的拓朴数据(边、面)离散化后在OpenSceneGraph中进行显示。有了这些离散...
OpenCascade Draw Test Harness-卡核

OpenCascade Draw Test Harness

OpenCascade Draw Test Harness Abstract. Draw is a command interpreter based on Tcl/Tk and a graphical system used to test and demonstrate OpenCascade modeling librari...