OpenCASCADE Make Primitives-Sphere
OpenCASCADE Make Primitives-Sphere Abstract. The sphere is the simplest topology shape of the BRep structure. But there are several import concept of the sphere edges...
OpenCASCADE 曲线向曲面投影
OpenCASCADE 曲线向曲面投影 Abstract: Project a curve on a surface no matter the surface is a plane or BSpline Surface. The projected result curve are all BSpli...
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE Abstract. Sometimes you want to split a shape by plane or even split a shape by a B Spline surface, OpenCASCADE provide a feature ...
OpenCASCADE Customize Highlighting
OpenCASCADE Customize Highlighting The traditional way of highlighting selected entity owners adopted by Open CASCADE Technology assumes that each entity owner...
Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade
Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:本文对网格数据结构作简要介绍,并结合使用OpenCascade中的数据结构,将网格数据在OpenSceneGraph中可视化。 关键字Key...
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE Abstract. Sometimes you want to split a shape by plane or even split a shape by a B Spline surface, OpenCASCADE provide a feature ...
Visual Studio Set Project Environment Variables
Visual Studio Set Project Environment Variables In Visual Studio you can specify changes to environment variables in the project settings. Open your project, go to Pr...
Introduction of Open CASCADE Foundation Classes
Open CASCADE Foundation Classes Open CASCADE基础类 一、简介 1. 基础类概述 Foundation Classes Overview 本文将对Open CASCADE中的基础类进行介绍及如何使用基础类。更多信...
OpenCascade Primitives BRep-Cylinder
OpenCascade Primitives BRep-Cylinder Abstract. BRep is short for Boundary Representation. Boundary Representation gives a complete description of an object by associa...
OpenCASCADE 平面求交
OpenCASCADE 平面求交 OpenCASCADE提供了类IntAna_QuadQuadGeo用来计算两个二次曲面quadric(球面、圆柱面、圆锥面及平面,平面是二次曲面的特例)之间的交线。他们...
Function Set in OPEN CASCADE
Function Set in OPEN CASCADE Abstract. The common math algorithms library provides a C++ implementation of the most frequently used mathematical algorithms. These inc...
GLUT Trackball Demo
GLUT Trackball Demo 1.Introduction 在三维场景中建立模型后,为了方便用户从各个角度观察模型,从而需要对三维视图进行控制。常见的视图交互控制方式有:Trackball控制器、飞行...