- 常用属性
- 文档对象
- 文档对象管理
- 文档管理
- 参数管理
2.1 信号-槽机制:一种观察者模式
signals2基于Boost里另一个库signals实现了线程安全的观察者模式,基于函数回调机制实现信号/槽的绑定和触发事件。在signals2中,观察者模式被称为信号/插槽(signals and slots),它是一种函数回调机制,一个信号关联了多个插槽,当信号发出时,所有关联它的插槽都会被调用。
许多成熟的软件系统都用到了这种信号、槽机制(另一个常用的名称是事件处理机制;event/event handler),它可以很好地解耦一组相互协作的类,有的语言甚至直接内建了对它的支持,signals2以库的形式为C++增加了这个重要的功能。
template<typename Signature,
typename Combiner = boost::signals2::optional_last_value<R>,
typename Group = int, typename GroupCompare = std::less<Group>,
typename SlotFunction = boost::function<Signature>,
typename ExtendedSlotFunction = boost::function<R(const connection &, T1, T2, ..., TN)>,
typename Mutex = boost::signals2::mutex>
class signal;
通过boost::signals2::signal的成员函数connect() 与disconnect()可以管理signal与slot之间的链接关系。
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct Hello
void operator()() const
std::cout << "Hello";
struct World
void operator()() const
std::cout << ", World!" << std::endl;
int main()
// Signal with no arguments and a void return value
boost::signals2::signal<void()> sig;
// Connect a Hello and World slot
// Call all of the slots
信号 |
描述 |
signalBeforeChange |
signal before changing an doc property |
signalChanged |
signal on changed doc property |
signalNewObject |
signal on new Object |
signalDeletedObject |
signal on deleted Object |
signalBeforeChangeObject |
signal before changing an Object |
signalChangedObject |
signal on changed Object |
signalRelabelObject |
signal on relabeled Object |
signalActivatedObject |
signal on activated Object |
signalTransactionAppend |
signal on created object |
signalTransactionRemove |
signal on removed object |
signalUndo |
signal on undo |
signalRedo |
signal on redo |
signalSaveDocument |
signal on load/save document. this signal is given when the document gets streamed. you can use this hook to write additional information in the file (like the Gui::Document does). |
signalRestoreDocument |
signalExportObjects |
signalExportViewObjects |
signalImportObjects; |
signalImportViewObjects |
signalStartSave |
signal starting a save action to a file |
signalFinishSave |
signal finishing a save action to a file |
signalRecomputed |
signalRecomputedObject |
signalOpenTransaction |
signal a new opened transactio |
signalCommitTransaction |
signal a committed transaction |
ignalAbortTransaction |
signal an aborted transaction |
2.2 属性数据
类名 |
描述 |
主要方法 |
PropertyInteger |
长整型 |
void setValue(long) long getValue(void) const |
PropertyPath |
文件路径 |
void setValue(const char *) void setValue(const boost::filesystem::path &) boost::filesystem::path getValue(void) const |
PropertyEnumeration |
枚举类型 |
void setEnums(const char** plEnums) void setValue(const char* value) void setValue(long) void setValue(const Enumeration &source) long getValue(void) const const char * getValueAsString(void) const; Enumeration getEnum(void) const; std::vector<std::string> getEnumVector(void) const; const char ** getEnums(void) const; |
PropertyIntegerConstraint |
整数区间 |
void setConstraints(const Constraints* sConstraint) const Constraints* getConstraints(void) const |
PropertyPercent |
整数区间[0,100] |
PropertyIntegerList |
整数列表 |
void setValue(long) long operator[] (const int idx) const void set1Value (const int idx, long value) void setValues (const std::vector<long>& values) const std::vector<long> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyIntegerSet |
整数集合 |
void setValue(long) void setValue(void) void addValue (long value) void setValues (const std::set<long>& values) const std::set<long> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyMap |
Key-Value映射表 |
void setValue(void) void setValue(const std::string& key,const std::string& value) void setValues(const std::map<std::string,std::string>&); const std::string& operator[] (const std::string& key) const void set1Value (const std::string& key, const std::string& value) const std::map<std::string,std::string> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyFloat |
双精度浮点数 |
void setValue(double lValue) double getValue(void) const |
PropertyFloatConstraint |
实数区间 |
void setConstraints(const Constraints* sConstrain) const Constraints* getConstraints(void) const; |
PropertyPrecision |
实数精度,默认1e-3 |
PropertyFloatList |
实数列表 |
void setValue(double); void setValue (void){} double operator[] (const int idx) const void set1Value (const int idx, double value) void setValues (const std::vector<double>& values); const std::vector<double> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyString |
字符串 |
void setValue(const char* sString); void setValue(const std::string &sString); const char* getValue(void) const; const std::string& getStrValue(void) const bool isEmpty(void) |
PropertyUUID |
通用唯一识别码UUID |
void setValue(const Base::Uuid &); void setValue(const char* sString); void setValue(const std::string &sString); const std::string& getValueStr(void) const; const Base::Uuid& getValue(void) const |
PropertyFont |
字体名称 |
PropertyStringList |
字符串列表 |
void setValue(const std::string&); void setValues(const std::vector<std::string>&); void setValues(const std::list<std::string>&); const std::string& operator[] (const int idx) const void set1Value (const int idx, const std::string& value) const std::vector<std::string> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyBool |
布尔值 |
void setValue(bool lValue) bool getValue(void) const |
PropertyBoolList |
布尔值列表 |
void setValue(bool) void set1Value (const int idx, bool value) void setValues (const boost::dynamic_bitset<>& values) const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyColor |
颜色RGB |
void setValue(const Color &col); void setValue(float r, float g, float b, float a=0.0f); void setValue(uint32_t rgba); const Color &getValue(void) const; |
PropertyColorList |
颜色列表 |
void setValue(const Color&); const Color& operator[] (const int idx) const void set1Value (const int idx, const Color& value) void setValues (const std::vector<Color>& values) const std::vector<Color> &getValues(void) const |
PropertyMaterial |
材质 |
void setValue(const Material &mat) void setAmbientColor(const Color& col) void setDiffuseColor(const Color& col) void setSpecularColor(const Color& col) void setEmissiveColor(const Color& col) void setShininess(float) void setTransparency(float) const Material &getValue(void) const |
PropertyMaterialList |
材质列表 |
void setValue(const Material&) const Material& operator[] (const int idx) const void set1Value(const int idx, const Material& value) void setValues(const std::vector<Material>& values) const std::vector<Material> &getValues(void) const |
class AppExport Annotation : public DocumentObject
/// Constructor
virtual ~Annotation();
App::PropertyStringList LabelText;
App::PropertyVector Position;
/// returns the type name of the ViewProvider
const char* getViewProviderName(void) const {
return "Gui::ViewProviderAnnotation";
PROPERTY_SOURCE(App::Annotation, App::DocumentObject)
ADD_PROPERTY(LabelText ,(""));
static PropertyContainer::PropertyData::propertyData
struct PropertySpec
const char* Name;
const char * Group;
const char * Docu;
short Offset,Type;
2.3 文档对象管理
文档对象(也称作Feature)是文档操作操作的对象,通常文档对象显示在FreeCAD treeview。关闭文档的时候,会保存文档对象;打开文档的时候,会恢复文档对象。
属性名称 |
类型 |
描述 |
Expression Engine |
PropertyExpressionEngin |
a list of expressions. |
Label |
PropertyString |
the user editable name of this object, it is an arbitrary UTF8 string. By default, it is the same as the Name |
文档对象派生类 |
描述 |
FeaturePython |
an empty object that can be used for different purposes, depending on the added properties. |
GeoFeature |
the base object of all geometrical objects, that is, of objects that have a Placement property that defines their position in the 3D view. |
PartFeature |
derived from App GeoFeature, and the parent class of objects with 2D and 3D topological shapes. |
MeshFeature |
derived from App GeoFeature, and the parent class of objects with 2D and 3D meshes. |
2.3.1 创建文档对象
DocumentObject *Document::addObject(const char* sType, const char* pObjectName = 0, bool isNew = true);
2.3.2 访问文档对象
DocumentObject * Document::getObject(const char *Name) const;
template<typename T>
inline std::vector<T*> Document::getObjectsOfType() const
2.3.3 删除文档对象
void Document::removeObject(const char* sName);
2.4 状态管理
void purgeTouched() |
Remove all modifications. After this call The document becomes Valid again. |
bool isTouched(void) const |
check if there is any touched object in this document |
std::vector<App::DocumentObject *> getTouched(void) const |
returns all touched objects |
void setClosable(bool) |
set the document to be closable, this is on by default. |
bool isClosable() const |
check whether the document can be closed |
int recompute() |
Recompute all touched features and return the number of recalculated features |
void recomputeFeature(DocumentObject* Feat) |
Recompute only one feature |
2.5 事务管理
void openTransaction(const char* name=0) |
Open a new command Undo/Redo, an UTF-8 name can be specified |
void commitTransaction() |
Commit the Command transaction. Do nothing If there is no Command transaction open. |
void abortTransaction() |
Abort the actually running transaction. |
bool isTransactionEmpty() const |
Check if a transaction is open and its list is empty. |
void setUndoLimit(unsigned int UndoMemSize=0) |
Set the Undo limit in Byte! |
void setMaxUndoStackSize(unsigned int UndoMaxStackSize=20) |
Set the Undo limit as stack size |
void clearUndos() |
Remove all stored Undos and Redos |
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableUndoNames() const |
Returns a list of the Undo names |
bool undo() |
Will UNDO one step, returns False if no undo was done (Undos == 0). |
int getAvailableRedos() const |
Returns the number of stored Redos. If greater than 0 Redo will be effective. |
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableRedoNames() const |
Returns a list of the Redo names. |
bool redo() |
Will REDO one step, returns False if no redo was done (Redos == 0). |
3.1 文档管理
- 新建文档
App::Document* App::Application::newDocument(const char * Name=0l, const char * UserName=0l)
- 打开文档
App::Document* App::Application::openDocument(const char * FileName=0l)
- 活动文档
void App::Application::setActiveDocument(App::Document* pDoc);
void App::Application::setActiveDocument(const char *Name);
- 关闭文档
bool App::Application::closeDocument(const char* name);
void App::Application::closeAllDocuments(void);
3.2 参数管理
std::map<std::string,std::string> Application::mConfig
std::map<std::string,ParameterManager *> mpcPramManager;
ParameterManager *App::Application::_pcSysParamMngr;
ParameterManager *App::Application::_pcUserParamMngr;
在Application::LoadParameters()中,_pcUserParamMngr 会加载mConfig[“UserParameter”] 指定的文件(mConfig[“UserAppData”]\\user.cfg)文件来完成对;_pcSysParamMngr会加载mConfig[“SystemParameter”](默认是mConfig[“UserAppData”]\\system.cfg)
3.3 目录管理
描述 |
const char* getHomePath(void) const |
void Application::initConfig(int argc, char ** argv)调用时根据argv[0]设置. 保存在App::Application_mConfig[“AppHomePath”] |
static std::string getTempPath() |
static std::string getTempFileName(const char* FileName=0) |
根据FileName在TempPath中创建临时文件 |
static std::string getUserAppDataDir() |
通过SHGetFolderPath获取CSIDL_APPDATA,即 C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\Application Data
static std::string getUserMacroDir() |
mConfig[“UserAppData”] + “Macro/” |
static std::string getResourceDir() |
mConfig[“AppHomePath”] + “data/” |
static std::string getHelpDir() |
mConfig[“AppHomePath”] + “doc/” |
3.4 模块管理
3.5 软件启动
名称 | 取值范围 | 默认值 |
Console |
0 : 不启动控制台 1 : 启动控制台 |
0 |
RunMode |
Gui : 界面模式 Internal : |
Gui |
// Init phase ===========================================================
// sets the default run mode for FC, starts with gui if not overridden in InitConfig...
App::Application::Config()["RunMode"] = "Gui";
App::Application::Config()["Console"] = "0";
// if console option is set then run in cmd mode
if (App::Application::Config()["Console"] == "1")
if (App::Application::Config()["RunMode"] == "Gui" ||
App::Application::Config()["RunMode"] == "Internal")