制造商:TransMagic, Inc
TransMagic SUPERVIEW allows you to view, interrogate, dimension and create reports for any major 3D CAD file on the planet

SUPERVIEW is the perfect 3D CAD viewer for interactive viewing of 3D CAD files, complete with PMI / MBD information, the ability to interrogate, markup, measure and add dimensions, delivering superior accuracy for job quotes and the shop floor. Outputs optimized polygonal formats such as 3DPDF, WebGL, Obj and STL.

Who’s A Good Fit For SUPERVIEW?
Estimators can quote customers with more accuracy & speed, resulting in more business.
Job Shops can view any major CAD format easily, sometimes doing away with more complex and expensive CAD seats.
3D Artists and Makers can reduce polygons and output optimized polygonal files for arts & entertainment as well as 3D Printing.

The Industry Challenge
Too many CAD formats to read
Need to measure and quote customer parts quickly and accurately
The Industry Solution
SUPERVIEW can read any major 3D CAD format
Measure, dimension, and interrogate models with quickly and easily

TransMagic SUPERVIEW reads the latest versions of CATIA V4, V5, V6 including Model, CATPart, CATProduct, CGR and xCGM; Pro/E; Creo prt & asm; NX/UG prt files; SOLIDWORKS sldprt, sldasm; SolidEdge par, asm & psm files; JT; Inventor ipt, iam; AutoCAD dwg, dxf; Microstation dgn; TransMagic tmr; Parasolid x_t; ACIS sat, asat, sab, asab; IGES; STEP AP203, AP214, AP242; SMLib sms, iwb, iwp; VDA-FS vda; 3D PDF; 3D XML; STL; OBJ; PLY; U3D; PRC; VRML; HOOPS; Collada dae; POD; Image formats (Tif, Png, Jpg, Bmp).

Ngrain 3KO; 3D PDF; 3D XML; STL; OBJ; PLY; HOOPS; Collada dae; POD; U3D; PRC; WebGL; 2D PDF; Image formats (Tif, Png, Jpg, Bmp).

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