Onshape 号称未来的 CAD。只要在能上网的终端(PC、手机、平板)打开浏览器即可访问,不需要下载任何的安装文件,使用的永远都是最新版本(目前大概 2 周更新一次)。
协作功能是 Onshape 的一大特色。Onshape 不仅支持跨设备分享设计,而且还可协作编辑,这一切都是在浏览器上实时进行的。其秘密在于采用了混合方案来计算产品的曲面和运动。除了利用用户设备的处理器能力以外,Onshape 还结合了云基础设施的能力来对设计进行复杂的渲染,有了强大的云计算能力支撑,用户侧设备的能力就不是问题了。比方说用户在本地修改了设计的斜角后,设备马上会将修改同步到云端,再由后台计算出新的几何体,整个过程几乎没有时延。
目前 Onshape 提供了免费版、专业版以及企业版三种套餐。免费版支持个人设计协作,功能包括部件设计绘制以及装配、版本控制、CAD 导入导出等,可跨设备运行,公开分享的文件数量不受限制,私有文件数为 5 个(这种方式跟 GitHub 有点类似);功能与免费版一样,不同的是私有文件数量不设限;企业版价格需要面议,跟专业版相比,增加了管理工具、报表以及企业服务支持。
Cloud native
No install, runs in browser – Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Runs on any computer – Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook
Runs on phones and tablets – iPhone, iPad, Android
Everyone in the world runs the same version of Onshape – the latest version
Work is continuously saved
Performance without CPU constraints
No need for copies
No IT required
Layout sketch
Constraint-based sketching
Parametric modeling
Parasolid modeling kernel
Part Studios
Multi-part features
Transparency, perspective, hidden lines, and dynamic cross-sectioning
Direct editing
Restore from any point in design history
Branched design variations
3D printing support
Custom parametric features
Large assembly design
Dynamic assembly motion
Assembly restructuring
High-level mating
Snap mating
Automatic drawing view creation
ANSI & ISO drafting standards
Annotations and symbols
Edit existing DXF and DWG drawings
Standard and custom templates (DWT)
Invite non-Onshape users to collaborate
Share your screen while you work
Simultaneous editing
Collaborate with any file format
Publish Public Documents
Add and revoke access
Permissions-based access control
Branched editing and merging
Bulk upload
Background translation
Reads native SolidWorks®, CATIA™, Creo™, Rhino, Autodesk® Inventor®, and Autodesk® AutoCAD® data
Writes native SolidWorks, Rhino, and AutoCAD data
Reads and writes neutral files: Parasolid, IGES, SAT, JT, STEP, DXF, DWG
STL export
Store any data type
View natively TXT, JPEG, PNG, PDF, MOV, MP4
Built-in version control
Version graph/manager visualizes time history
Records complete work history
Compound tabbed documents
Centralized Document storage
Onshape Companies ENTERPRISE PRO
Centralized billing ENTERPRISE PRO
Priority support ENTERPRISE
Service agreement ENTERPRISE
Specialized pricing and billing ENTERPRISE
Onshape license agreement ENTERPRISE
Reporting and analytics