IVHC (Fast image noise estimation)
This is an implementation of IVHC on Python and Matlab.
See also IVHC.
IVHC is a model to estimate Gaussian, signal-dependent, and processed noise in image and video signals.
The estimation is based on the classification of intensity-variances
of image patches in order to find homogeneous regions that best represent the noise.
Here is the block diagram of the intensity-variance
homogeneity classification (IVHC) noise estimation.
- Noisy gray image
- Max polynomial regression degree
- Variance of noise in the Y channel (best representative)
- Degree of processed noise
- Noise level function
The repository includes:
- Matlab and Python implementation of IVHC.
- Matlab demo files to estimate AWGN, processed noise, and signal-dependent noise.
- Python demo files to estimate AWGN, processed noise, and signal-dependent noise.
Getting Started
- demo.ipynb or (demo.py) is the easiest way
to start. It shows an example of estimating three types of noise. AWGN, PPN, and PGN.
Python Installation
Install dependencies
pip3 install package [numpy, skimage, …] -
Run setup from the libs directory
python3 setup.py install
run “python3 setup.py build” and copy .so (linux) or .pyd (windows) file to the demos.py path
or if you have python3.6 copy “ivhc.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so” (linux) or “ivhc.cp36-win_amd64.pyd” (windows) to your demos.py path. -
Run demos.py:
python3 demos.py
Matlab (windows only)
demo_awgn.m is the easiest way
to start. It shows an example of estimating AWGN. -
demo_pgn.m PGN (signal-dependent) noise estimation.
demo_ppn.m PPN processed noise estimation.
demo_real.m non-synthetic (real) image noise.
demo_compare_awgn.m compare AWGN with other method.
demo_compare_ppn.m compare PPN with other method.