
Entity definition

An IfcLocalPlacement defines the relative placement of a product in relation to the placement of another product or the absolute placement of a product within the geometric representation context of the project.

  • IfcLocalPlacement定义了一个产品相对于另一个产品的位置,或者一个产品在项目的几何表示上下文中的绝对位置。

The IfcLocalPlacement allows that an IfcProduct can be placed by this IfcLocalPlacement (through the attributeObjectPlacement) within the local coordinate system of the object placement of another IfcProduct, which is referenced by the PlacementRelTo. Rules to prevent cyclic relative placements have to be introduced on the application level.

  • IfcLocalPlacement允许一个IfcProduct可以被这个IfcLocalPlacement(通过attributeObjectPlacement)放置在另一个IfcProduct的对象放置的本地坐标系统中,它被PlacementRelTo引用。必须在应用程序级别引入防止循环相对位置的规则。

If the PlacementRelTo is not given, then the IfcProduct is placed absolutely within the world coordinate system.

  • 如果没有给出PlacementRelTo,则IfcProduct绝对位于世界坐标系统内。

The following conventions shall apply as default relative positions if the relative placement is used. The conventions are given for all five direct subtypes of IfcProduct, the IfcSpatialStructureElementIfcElementIfcAnnotationIfcGridIfcPort. More detailed placement information is given at the level of subtypes of those five types mentioned.

  • 如果使用相对位置,下列约定应作为默认相对位置适用。约定给出了IfcProduct的所有5个直接子类型,IfcSpatialStructureElement, IfcElement, IfcAnnotation, IfcGrid, IfcPort。在上述五种类型的子类型级别上给出了更详细的放置信息。
  • 对于IfcSpatialStructureElement的子类型,适用以下约定
  • IfcSite应绝对置于IfcProject几何表示上下文所建立的世界坐标系统内
  • IfcBuilding的位置应相对于IfcSite的当地位置
  • IfcBuildingStorey的位置应相对于IfcBuilding的当地位置
  • 对于IfcGrid和IfcAnnotation,公约适用于将其置于相对位置
  • 或IfcSite、IfcBuilding或IfcBuildingStorey
  • 它应该是被IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure包含关系引用的相同容器元素,
  • 对于IfcElement,公约适用于将其置于相对位置:
  • 或IfcSite、IfcBuilding或IfcBuildingStorey
  • 它应该是被IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure包含关系引用的相同容器元素,
  • 到通过元素组合关系将其绑定到的IfcElement的局部位置
  • 对于位于相对于主组件(如开口)的特征,如IfcRelVoidsElement和IfcRelProjectsElement所表示的;
  • 对于填充一个开口(如门或窗)的元素,如IfcRelFillsElement所表示的;
  • 用于覆盖该元素的覆盖物,如IfcRelCoversBldgElements所表示的;
  • 聚合到主组件的子组件,用ifcrelaggregate和ifcrel巢穴表示。

Attribute definitions

# Attribute Type Cardinality Description C
1 PlacementRelTo IfcObjectPlacement [0:1]

Reference to Object that provides the relative placement by its local coordinate system. If it is omitted, then the local placement is given to the WCS, established by the geometric representation context.

  • 对象的引用,该对象通过其本地坐标系提供相对位置。如果省略它,则将局部位置交给由几何表示上下文建立的WCS。
2 RelativePlacement IfcAxis2Placement [1:1]

Geometric placement that defines the transformation from the related coordinate system into the relating. The placement can be either 2D or 3D, depending on the dimension count of the coordinate system.

  • 几何位置,定义了从相关坐标系到相关坐标系的转换。位置可以是2D或3D,这取决于坐标系统的尺寸计数。

Attribute inheritance

# Attribute Type Cardinality Description C
PlacesObject IfcProduct

The IfcObjectPlacement shall be used to provide a placement and an object coordinate system for instances of IfcProduct.

  • IfcObjectPlacement应使用为IfcProduct的实例提供位置和对象坐标系统。

If an IfcObjectPlacement is shared by many instances of 
IfcProduct it does not apply a semantic meaning of being a shared placement that needs to be maintained. The same instance of IfcObjectPlacement could simply be used to reduce exchange file size.

  • 如果IfcObjectPlacement被IfcProduct的许多实例共享,那么它并不应用需要维护的共享位置的语义含义。IfcObjectPlacement的相同实例可以简单地用于减少交换文件的大小。
ReferencedByPlacements IfcLocalPlacement

Placements that are given relative to this placement of an object.

  • 相对于对象的这个位置给出的位置。
1 PlacementRelTo IfcObjectPlacement [0:1] Reference to Object that provides the relative placement by its local coordinate system. If it is omitted, then the local placement is given to the WCS, established by the geometric representation context. X
2 RelativePlacement IfcAxis2Placement [1:1] Geometric placement that defines the transformation from the related coordinate system into the relating. The placement can be either 2D or 3D, depending on the dimension count of the coordinate system. X

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